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Sporteve Inc.


Phone (310) 838-6588
Address 3849 Main St,
Culver City, CA 90232 United States


Sporteve Inc. is a local provider of sporting goods in Culver City. Visit us soon at our store location or give us a ring at (310) 838-6588.

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  • Sporteve Inc.

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    “It was a pleasant afternoon when I finally to Sporteve. A couple weeks before this day I had been informed that Sporteve carried Vibram brand five-toe shoes. I have a hard time dancing barefoot and had been looking for a comfortable and light shoe to wear that could help with my stability and pain issues. I was very excited to learn about the shoes and to know that I too could have a pair! I had all intentions of purchasing a pair for myself.

    That afternoon I was excited and glad when I saw the shoes. I walked around for a while just looking. There were several interesting products, things I hadn’t seen before. But I was focused on these shoes and low on funds so I couldn’t pick up the several items I saw that interested me.

    Right before my eyes, like I was a spectator in my own life, this happy and hopeful moment became perplexing and genuinely insulting.

    After several minutes, no one approached me. There were 2 women at the counter and about 2-4 female customers while I was there. The other women were approached. I picked up the shoe and examined it at length. Still no one helped me. Shoe in hand I walked to the counter. One woman was there; the other was helping a customer. I told her how someone recommended this shoe and told me to come here to purchase a pair. The recommendation had come unexpectedly from a stranger I happened upon during a dance class. He was very friendly and even gave me a Sporteve business card and told me about the owner his great friend, D’Lynda Fischer. The woman at the counter was his friend, D’Lynda. Her reaction? She rolled her eyes and her previously monotone voice changed, “oh HIM?” She didn’t seem at all glad for the business and positive word of mouth. Turns out this person had told several people about the shoes and the store and these people had come and become customers. Hard to imagine how this could be a point of contention for a small business owner, but she couldn’t and wasn’t hiding her disdain. In fact when I asked her if I could try a size, I was the recipient of her mysterious disdain too. I knew then I should find a pair that fit, buy them and get out. I really needed the shoes.

    It took longer then I thought, since I had to try on several sizes. The scene didn’t get better or worse for me, just more of the same. While I was being helped, D’Lynda helped another customer and seemed to take a prolonged time to bring me different sizes. The first pair she brought was too big for me even though it was my size, that time she open the box and gave me a shoe to try. The next times she brought the closed boxes and with an underlying aggression placed them down next to me. The person she helped while she was helping me was sitting next to me and looking for swimsuits. The customer had a tone in her voice and expression on her face very much like D’Lynda’s. The customer even sounded like D’Lynda when she said with a huff, “You don’t have very much selection, do you?” What was D’Lynda’s reaction? A smile and a friendly informative reply, the swimsuits she had had in stock had already been purchased by the locals.

    D’Lynda had something to tend to and I was passed on to the other employee. I still did not have a pair that fit me. The young woman that came to help me told me how great the shoes were and how she wore them all the time. She brought me another pair and these fit. I walked over to the counter with her and purchased them. I let out a long awaited sigh as I walked out the door.

    After leaving and thinking about the situation, I still do not know how I could have changed the situation to my benefit. I was excited and willing, friendly, thankful, gave eye contact and smiled, did not complain when I was not helped or approached. In fact, my friendliness seemed to fuel D’Lynda’s negative attitude towards me. Yet when a customer was rude to her she replied with a smile and a friendly informative response, even eye contact.

    I thought about the other women that had been in the store, those others who had been approached by D’Lynda and the other young lady. Then I thought about myself. The only visible differences between myself and these other women? Purely physical and socio-economical. They were older, one had an expensive bugaboo stroller and a toddler, they had new expensive looking sporty clothes and shoes on, they were tall and looked very put together. I did not look like those women did. I wasn’t wearing new or expensive looking clothes, I wasn’t wearing makeup, I had a tired expression on my face and I can’t afford to have a child much less a bugaboo. I was also the fattest, shortest and brownest person there. I’m not sure why I was treated so differently. Maybe next time I should try to be rude and not buy anything.”

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